
All Office of 本科KU体育 scholarships are limited in number, 有竞争力的, 和 are awarded annually on a rolling basis early in the scholarship cycle. 学生必须在申请本科KU体育办公室奖学金之前被FAU录取. Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee a scholarship.

Our awards require continuous enrollment in 30 credits per academic year, 全日制(FAU 15学分或以上), 并且只在秋季和春季学期发放.


我们的优秀奖学金不需要补充奖学金申请,因为资格在入学时确定. 我们的许多优异奖都是竞争性的,最终取决于我们进入新生班级的竞争力. 一般, 奖学金由本科KU体育办公室提供,不可堆叠. 奖学金 recipients must maintain an FAU GPA of 3.奖励续期费用为0.

To be considered for merit-based scholarships from the Office of Admissions, 学生 must submit a complete admissions application by 2025年1月15日 with all supporting documents (application, application fee, SSAR 和 test scores).

居民 标准 奖学金

基金可以包括以下奖项中的一项或两项:FAU 100奖学金/大西洋精神奖学金

4.00平均绩点 & 1410 sat / 32 act / 101 CLT



3.90年平均绩点 & 1340 sat / 29 act / 96 CLT



3.85年平均绩点 & 1270 sat / 27 act / 90 CLT




Full cost of attendance is covered including grants or scholarships for Fall & 春季学期最多4年或8个学期, or 直到获得本科学位为止.

Non-FL Resident (must be US Citizen or Permanent Resident) 标准 奖学金


4.00平均绩点 & 1410 sat / 32 act / 101 CLT



3.90年平均绩点 & 1340 sat / 29 act / 96 CLT



3.85年平均绩点 & 1270 sat / 27 act / 90 CLT


State University System of Florida Gr和parent Waiver

1340 sat / 29 act / 96 CLT并且祖父母是佛罗里达州法令1009规定的佛罗里达州居民.21. 住院医生实习期 process must be complete in order to be verified 和 offered.

州外学费 & 费用 waived up to 4 years, or when the undergraduate degree is awarded. Student will be billed Florida resident rate of tuition & 费用. 一年级新生可获得25项豁免.

**Total 奖学金 amount includes HOOT 奖学金

  • HOOT学费为23,000美元(每年5926美元,为期4年),包括每年6个学分的非居民学费.

Florida Resident: Must be classified as Florida resident for tuition purposes.
Non-Florida Resident: Must be classified as a Non-Resident for tuition purposes


  • 是美国公民或符合联邦学生援助计划规定的合格非公民的要求.
  • Must be classified as in-state or out-of-state (depending on the award) for tuition purposes.
  • 大一新生 merit scholarships are 有竞争力的 和 not guaranteed. 考虑的截止日期是1月15日. A student must have a complete admissions application on file by January 15 在3月1日前收到录取决定. 一份完整的录取文件包括:申请表, 申请费或减免费用, SSAR和ACT/SAT成绩.


  • 学生必须在奖学金颁发期间在FAU全日制学习
  • 学生必须保持3分.FAU累计平均成绩为0,每学年完成或获得所选学位课程的至少30个学分.
  • 奖学金最多可以续期四(4)年(8个学期),或者直到学生完成他们的第一个学士学位,或者直到学生的学分和尝试学分达到所选学位课程所需的学分, 先到者为准.


本科KU体育办公室提供额外的优秀奖学金,需要补充材料和学术卓越. For more information, qualifications, 和 to 应用, please 点击这里.


这项国家资助的奖学金基于高中学业成绩,颁发give在佛罗里达州高中毕业后两(2)年内在合格的佛罗里达州公立或私立高等教育机构注册的学生. 了解更多信息, 联系KU体育高中辅导员或致电佛罗里达州教育部1-888-827-2004(免费)或访问 佛罗里达光明期货奖学金项目.


TheDream.US, is a nationwide scholarship program for undergraduates that have DACA, TPS身份或来过美国.S. 16岁之前和11月1日之前, 2017 和 otherwise meet the DACA eligibility criteria (DREAMers).

TheDream.US是美国最大的面向梦想家的大学入学计划,是一项可续期奖学金,最多为受助人提供16美元,副学士500美元,33美元,一个学士学位的薪水是1000英镑. Transfer partners include Broward College, Palm Beach State College, 和 Miami Dade College.

  • Application opens November 1, 2023 for the 2024-25 academic year.
  • 申请截止日期为2024年2月28日.

请访问 www.TheDream.US for information on specific requirements 和 how to 应用.


Florida law provides for FAU to waive the out-of-state fee for all 学生, 包括无证学生, 谁证明他们:

  • Attended a high school in 国家 of Florida for 3 consecutive years;
  • 在佛罗里达的一所高中连续三年毕业后;
  • 申请入读州立大学, 佛罗里达学院系统机构, 高中毕业后24个月内到佛罗里达就业中心或特许技术就业中心.

该豁免仅适用于学生所注册的本科学位或证书课程所需学分的110%. This waiver cannot be applied to non-degree work or graduate degrees. The approval of this waiver does not grant eligibility for financial aid, 奖学金或大学贷款, 国家, 或者联邦政府, 根据佛罗里达州法规的定义. 第2014-62章,第5节,1009.26费用减免.

另外, 收到这个州外的费用减免并不构成分类为佛罗里达州居民的学费目的. 获得此豁免的学生在学费方面仍被归类为非佛罗里达州居民,并且没有资格获得州财政援助, 包括光明未来.

请注意:没有合法身份的DACA/TPS/无证学生不符合联邦资格, 国家或机构资助.



提高.Me offers high school 学生 the ability to earn microscholarships. You can earn scholarships by 访问ing our page at 提高.我/加入.能力. Create your profile 和 follow us to start earning now for your college experience. 学生必须在高中最后一年的12月1日之前完成他们的收入概况.




What do I need to do to be considered for a scholarship?

Submit a complete admissions application by January 14. 不需要单独的应用程序, 但是所有必需的信息, 包括申请费或减免费用, 官方SAT或ACT成绩, 已完成及连结的特别搜寻计划, 高中正式成绩单, is necessary for an application to be considered complete. Ensure that your application is complete by logging into admissions.能力.edu/status. 奖学金 are offered on a funds available basis.

Do I need to submit a scholarship application to be considered for admissions scholarships?

No, scholarships offered by the Office of Admissions do not require a separate application. 当学生在优先截止日期前提交入学申请时,将自动考虑这些奖学金. 然而, additional scholarship opportunities can be found at 学生资助.

If I meet the posted criteria for a scholarship, am I guaranteed to receive it?

通常, a student meeting all criteria 和 deadlines for a scholarship will be offered a scholarship. 然而, all scholarships are offered on a funds available basis each term, 所以不能保证获得奖学金.


KU体育办公室重新计算学生的高中GPA以用于录取和奖学金目的. This calculation is based on academic courses 和 the rigor of the curriculum.

If I do not meet the criteria for a scholarship when I 应用 to FAU, 如果我提交新的信息会被考虑吗?

Students are automatically considered for scholarships from October-January. 12月参加的标准化考试(SAT/ACT)和/或在奖学金截止日期前收到的第一学期成绩将用于奖学金考虑. 之后的考试成绩和高年级成绩将不被使用,学生在入学后也不能从KU体育办获得奖学金.

How will I be notified if I receive a scholarship?

Notification of your offer will be included in your acceptance letter, or in a separate letter that is sent after you are admitted. Offers will also appear on your MyFAU account under the Money Matters tab.


是的. Admitted 学生 can 应用 for additional FAU 奖学金. 2022-2023年FAU奖学金申请时间为2022年1月22日至2022年7月30日. Access the application from MyFAU, on the Money Matters tile. 请访问 学生资助 欲知详情.


KU体育办公室提供的大多数奖学金可以与其他奖学金和经济援助相结合. Please view the Terms 和 Conditions of your offers for additional information.

If I received a higher scholarship offer from another school, will FAU increase my offer?

如果学生达到必要的学术标准,KU体育办公室将考虑升级录取, but does not increase scholarship amounts based on other offers.

How does residency impact my scholarship eligibility?

Certain scholarships are offered based on residency. KU体育居留身份必须准确,以确保你获得适当的奖学金.

If my residency status changes when I am enrolled, what will happen to my scholarship?

If your residency status changes after enrollment, 您的奖学金将根据资金可用性和资格进行调整或取消.

What do I have to do to continue to receive my scholarship?

In order to remain eligible for your scholarship, you must enroll full-time in each Fall 和 Spring term, complete 30 credits by the end of each academic year (Fall/Spring/Summer) 和 maintain a 3.0 能力 gpa. You can view the full terms 和 conditions of your offer on your MyFAU account.